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25 Mär 2023

The Indian Express

Activists, CSOs urge Karnataka govt. to abolish contractual labour system which primarily exploits members of the Dalit community

"Intellectuals and activists urge Karnataka to abolish contractual labour system", 25 March 2023

In a letter to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai, writers, poets, filmmakers, educationists, social activists, intellectuals and civil society organisations in Karnataka have requested that all garbage vehicle drivers, cleaners and loaders be brought under the direct payment system.


“The contract labour system is nothing short of bonded labour and is used to deny workers, who are primarily from the Dalit community, their most basic rights. Under this system, the workers are not paid wages for months together, denied minimum wages, social benefits, weekly holidays and any leave, etc,” the letter said, adding that some of these workers had been working for decades.


Organisations such as Health for All, Ahara Namma Hakku, Bahutva Karnataka, All India Lawyers’ Association for Justice, All India People’s Forum, All India Progressive Women’s Association and All India Students’ Association have signed the open letter.