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29 Okt 2019


Australia: traditional land owners risk imprisonment as mining giant, Adani, obtains court order to stop protestors

"Adani obtains court order to prevent Traditional Owners entering mine site", 23 October 2019

The ABC has reported that two Traditional Owners will be exposed to possible jail time if they return to a ceremonial camp on Adani’s Queensland mine site. The mining giant has reportedly obtained a Supreme Court order against Wangan and Jagalingou (W&J) man…Burragubba and his son. [Burragubba] vowed to continue protesting despite being bankrupted by numerous failed court actions…

…the Queensland government extinguished native title over 1,385 hectares…for Adani’s proposed coalmine…without any public announcement of the decision. [Burragubba’s] lawyer…said the court order was a “disturbing development”…[meaning] that…police [could] remove...Burragubba and his son from the site. [Burragubba’s lawyer]: “…if they go on the freehold part of the lease, they can [be]…potentially punished by a court for contempt…”

An Adani spokeswoman said the company “respects[s] the traditions and culture of Aboriginal people, in particular…[W&J] people. [We] have engaged every step of the way…and followed all federal and state legislatives processes to establish land tenure…we are afforded the same legal protections…as any other landholder”.