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2 Dez 2019

Jake Johnson, Common Dreams

Black Friday protesters across Europe allege Amazon has “destructive” policies towards employees & environment

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“Black Friday protests across Europe demand Amazon ‘start treating workers like human – not robots’”, 29 November 2019.

Labour activists and climate campaigners used…Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the year, to call attention to and protest Amazon’s…working conditions, paltry benefits, and destructive environmental practices. "Workers are breaking bones, being knocked unconscious, and being taken away in ambulances," said... the GMB Union, which organized demonstrations at Amazon warehouses across the United Kingdom… “Amazon has spent a fortune on fluffy adverts…Why not spend the money on making their warehouses less dangerous[?]…[we] are people – not robots”.

…Amazon employees at locations throughout the U.K. have reported being denied restroom breaks, penalized for taking sick days, and forced to work at a dangerous pace..."GMB members report targets being so horrific they have to use plastic bottles to urinate in…and pregnant women have been forced to stand for hours on end”…

In France, demonstrators held sit-ins at Amazon's Clichy headquarters to condemn [Amazon’s]…contributions to the climate crisis…
