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27 Okt 2015


Facebook's response

As we've said in the past, people on Facebook use the names their friends and family know them by. This means people know who they're communicating with. While we know not everyone likes this approach, our authentic name policy helps make Facebook a safer place by enabling us to detect accounts created for malicious purposes. It makes it harder, for example, for terrorist organizations to hide behind fake profiles, school bullies to anonymously smear the reputations of others, or anyone else to use an anonymous name to harass, scam or engage in criminal behavior. It's important that this policy works for everyone, especially for communities who are marginalized or face discrimination. We’re working with members of the community so they can share their thoughts on improvements they would like to see. A team is actively building tools that are designed to provide a better experience. Over the past year, we have introduced improvements that address some of the issues raised by our community. 
