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12 Apr 2019

Dravika Trehan, The Citizen (India)

India: Hyderabad reportedly an epicentre for unscrupulous recruitment agents targeting vulnerable women for overseas domestic work

"The Kafala System of Slave Labour in Saudi Arabia is Costing Lives", 10 Apr 2019

Hyderabad has in recent years emerged as an epicentre for...unscrupulous local agents and kafeels, who target women from the economically weaker sections of society and lure them into promising jobs... Khadama [housemaid] visas were banned in India some ten years ago... These were issued to women going to Gulf countries for domestic work... “The ban was imposed in hopes of reducing such cases, but the agents found a way out of it,” explains Amjed Ullah Khan, spokesperson of the Majlis Bachao Tehreek...A sum of around 3 lakh rupees is invested into making arrangements for... women to travel to these countries including the visa...When the local agents are unable to lure women for domestic work, they promise them false jobs or a hajj opportunity later to traffic them to kafeels.