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20 Sep 2019

David Cohen, Adweek (USA)

USA : 7 housing companies sued for alleged age discrimination using Facebook ad-targeting

"Housing Companies Sued for Age Discrimination Over Facebook Ad Targeting", 18 Sep 2019

Seven housing companies are facing a civil rights lawsuit for allegedly using Facebook’s ad-targeting options to prevent their advertisements from being seen by the social network’s older users...

The seven companies named in the complaint are: Bozzuto Management, Fairfield Residential, Fore Property, Greystar Real Estate Partners, Kettler, The Tower Companies and Wood Partners.

Bozzuto Management said in a statement, “Bozzuto Management Co. is committed to fair housing, and we are proud of the wonderful diversity of our communities. We have been proactive in working with Facebook and other social media platforms to ensure that our advertising is not discriminatory. We are confident that our advertising practices comply with D.C. and Montgomery County law, and we will gladly work with these jurisdictions to investigate and address any issues.”...

HRI [Housing Rights Initiative] is seeking commitments from the seven housing companies to implement non-discrimination policies across their digital advertising efforts, as well as to educate and train their staff on these matters, monitor their compliance and compensate older people who were not provided with information about renting apartments...