Legal Empowerment, Domestic Violence & the European Court of Human Right
We will discuss legal empowerment of survivors of domestic abuse and how their cases are handled by the European Court of Human Rights with two fantastic experts:
Dr. Julieta Marotta, Assistant Professor, School of Business and Economics,
Maastricht University / United Nations University,
Dr. Ronagh McQuigg, Reader, School of Law, Queen's University Belfast.
Registration is free and open, here.
EnRoL! - The Human Rights & Rule of Law Speaker Series is the global webinar series for everyone interested in the latest developments in human rights and rule of law. We celebrate female role models, practitioners and scholars, who discuss with us human rights and rule of law matters from around the world. EnRoL! is organized by Dr. Stefanie Lemke and Dr. Qiao Cong-rui