Myanmar: Garment workers to receive pay rise following protests
Date Reported: 13 Jun 2023
Location: Myanmar
Primark (part of Associated British Foods) - Buyer , Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) - Buyer , Carrefour - Buyer , Etam Groupe - Buyer , Tesco - Reported buyer , Gainway International (Myanmar) - Supplier , Kiabi - BuyerAffected
Total individuals affected: 900
Workers: ( 900 - Location unknown , Clothing & textile , Gender not reported )Issues
Poverty WagesResponse
Response sought: Yes, by BHRRC
Story containing response: (Find out more)
Action taken: Gainway International (Myanmar) allegedly supplies or has supplied to Tesco, H&M, Primark, KIABI, Carrefour and Etam; Tesco, H&M, Primark, and KIABI provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre. Tesco stated it stopped sourcing from Myanmar in Spring 2022, but works with Gainway in other countries. Carrefour and Etam did not respond.
Source type: News outlet
"Gainway International (Myanmar) factory workers demanded a 5,600 kyat increase in wages and said they have reached a settlement.", 13 June 2023
Yangon, Shwe Pytha Township, The workers of Gainway International (Myanmar) Garment in Thadhukan Industrial Zone demanded an increase of 5,600 per day in the factory, and on June 12, the negotiations were resolved, according to the workers.
"Since all the employees of the Gain Way Garment Factory have made a collective request, starting July 1, 2013, they will receive 5,600 OT per hour, 1,400 kyats," he said.
In order for the factory workers to increase their daily wages, more than 800 of the more than 900 workers in the factory signed a written request for an increase [to] 5,600 kyat.
Although there was no response from the WCC, the protest request started on June 9th, and on June 10th, due to the additional participation of the [supervisors], the demand increased. On June 12th, after negotiations with the relevant officials, the factory agreed to pay the workers 5,600 OT per hour, and a settlement was reached.
The factory sews H&M brand women's underwear...
[Translation via Google Translate]