Oral statement delivered by Franciscans International, FIAN International, CCFD-Terre Solidaire and Society for International Development, Plataforma Internacional Contra la Impunidad - PANEL III - Determining Legal Liability
This statement is based on the joint written submission made by Franciscans International, FIAN International, CCFD, SID, Plataforma internacional contra la Impunidad...In our joint written submission, we give a series of examples of standards that should be provided for by the future treaty. These include: - the clear definition of conducts by TNCs and OBEs impairing rights for which they will be held liable under national law; - the requirement for States to oblige groups of enterprises to declare their existence, to make public the enterprises composing the groups and/or the supply chains; - the recognition that due diligence procedures, while being an element of prevention of abuses, cannot be the sole basis to establish liability; - the establishment of clear norms defining complicity in order to determine the criminal liability of parent or controlling companies when involved in crimes and offences affecting human rights and committed by their subsidairies or contractually related legal entities.