Principles for Responsible Investment publishes guidance investor questions on COVID-19 for AGM season 2020
AGM Season 2020: Investor questions on COVID-19, 21 May 2020
This guidance (co-developed by the [Principles for Responsible Investment] (PRI), Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, California State Teachers’ Retirement System and APG) provides investors with ESG-related questions to ask investee companies’ – at annual general meetings (AGMs) and in follow-up engagements – about their responses to COVID-19.
The guidance supports institutional investors to further their stewardship activities and to build a collective response to the crisis. The global investor community can use it to set expectations for portfolio companies and work towards a sustainable economy…
Key themes
- Business continuity - for employers, suppliers and communities
- Employee health and wellbeing - to ensure an engaged workforce
- Alignment with long-term value creation