Singapore: Renewables installer Energetix ordered to cease work on worksite following the death of BBG Electrical Engineering employee; incl. cos. responses

In October 2023, The Straits Times reported a Bangladeshi construction worker, employed by BBG Electrical Engineering, died after falling from a roof while installing solar panels. Renewable energy installer Energetix is allegedly the worksite occupier. The Ministry of Manpower instructed Energetix to stop all work at-height activities at the worksite and is investigating; a spokesperson outlined work-at-height fall prevention measures. BBG Electrical Engineering is repatriating the worker's body to his family.
The Resource Centre invited Energetix and BBG Engineering to respond to the article. We also invited Energetix to clarify its relationship with BBG Electrical Engineering and the worker, and to outline the steps it takes to protect the health and safety of employees on worksites in its supply chains more broadly. Responses from Energetix and BBG Electrical Engineering can be read in full below.
The incident is the latest fatality on construction sites in Singapore, reports the Independent, and "highlights the ongoing concerns regarding workplace safety" in the country. The Ministry of Manpower reportedly released a statement a day after reports of the BBG employee's death, stating companies carrying out work must communicate to workers precautions for working at heights, including the use of safety belt devices and fall protection devices.