TotalEnergies response to the the Kichwa organisations' allegations
...We are referring to your communications dated from June 2023 and would like to thank you for the opportunity to respond to the concerns raised by the Kichwa Federations with regards to the REDD+ Project of the Cordillera Azul National Park (CANP) in Peru (the Project).
The Project is operated by CIMA, a Peruvian conservation NGO...In March 2021, TotalEnergies Nature Based Solutions (TENBS) entered into an Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement (ERPA) with CIMA whereby TENBS purchases Verified Carbon Units (VCUs) from CIMA. As project operator, CIMA’s role includes engaging with local communities living in the buffer zone of the National Park, including native Kichwa communities, in line with CIMA’s Human Rights Policy appended in the ERPA. As investor in the Project, TENBS is particularly mindful of all stakeholders’ human rights and promotes the respect of high standards in their NBS activities. TENBS is using its influence vis à vis CIMA to continuously improve the transparency of the Project, the level of stakeholders’ engagement and the fair value sharing to reach a positive outcome for indigenous people and local communities involved in the Project, in alignment with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the ERPA contract...
On community benefits, in their latest communication to credit buyers (including TENBS) dated 2022, CIMA informed TENBS that: “So far, the Cordillera Azul REDD+ project has (…) helped to finance the protection of 1.3 million hectares of threatened forest, supporting 28 sustainable enterprises and the construction of a cocoa post-harvesting facility, creating 688 jobs - of which 39% are held by women - and supporting the development of 35 “Quality of Life Plans” with communities, improving access to fresh water, sanitation and better schools for 5,000 people”...
Community members interviewed during the site visit agreed the project strongly supported the communities, and interviewees endorsed the continuation of the project. The verification team concluded that based on review of the documentation provided and results of on-site visits and interviews, the net impact of project activities on all community groups is positive”...