US & Latin America: Throughout region indigenous communities protest against gas & oil projects & the lack of participation & consent
“Opposition to oil pipeline in U.S. serves as example for indigenous struggles in Latin America”, 11 Nov 16
…The Standing Rock Sioux tribe is fighting the construction of an oil pipeline across their land in North Dakota. The movement has gained international solidarity and has many things in common with indigenous struggles against megaprojects in Latin America…The movement has served as an example for similar battles in Latin America, according to indigenous leaders...In a consultation held in accordance with their uses and customs in May 2015, the Yaqui people…voted against the gas pipeline that would run across their land…Also in Mexico, in the northern state of Sinaloa, the Rarámuri native people have since January 2015 halted the construction of a gas pipeline across their lands and the bordering U.S. state of Texas…During her three days in the country…Tauli-Corpuz also met with representatives of 20 indigenous Mexican communities affected by gas pipelines, hydropower plants, highways and mines…The U.N. official said a recurring complaint she has heard on her trips to Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Panama and Peru is the lack of free, prior consultation that is obligatory under Convention 169…