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26 Mar 2020

Chandan Kumar Mandal, Kathmandu Post

Nepalis in Qatar live in overcrowded and squalid conditions even during pandemic

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[Qatar] imposed a general lockdown two weeks ago after Covid-19 cases were reported... But for workers like Raja, life goes on.

“We are still going to work. An office vehicle picks us up and drops us off at the worksite...Everyone is working in fear as cases of Covid-19 are increasing every day” [he said].

Most of the country’s 481 confirmed cases were reported in its industrial area, a commercial hub outside Doha where many migrant workers such as Raja live...

When we run out of daily supplies, we have no option but to go out as there are no shops inside the camp,” said Raja. “We used to have small markets where workers like us could buy groceries at cheaper rates. Now, they too are closed.”
