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3 Mar 2021

Asmahan Qarjouli, Doha News

Qatar: Govt. launches multi-lingual labour rights awareness service via WhatsApp

Doha Skyline

"Know your rights: WhatsApp service launched for Qatar's labour laws," 3 Mar 2021

A new WhatsApp service to provide information on the country’s labour laws and regulations was launched by authorities on Tuesday, in a bid to assist workers to understand their rights. 

Set up by Qatar’s Government Communications Office [GCO] and the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs [MADLSA], the service provides information in six different languages, including Arabic, English, Urdu, Hindi, Nepali and Malayalam.

“We were encouraged by the high numbers of people using the GCO’s Coronavirus Information Service on WhatsApp and saw an opportunity to do something similar for our labour reform programme,” the GCO said.