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7 Nov 2018

Vicheika Kann, Voice of America

PM Hun Sen creates task force to address civil society concerns

7 November 2018

Prime Minister Hun Sen has created a task force to deal with complaints from civil society groups over government suppression of their activities.

The premier made the announcement …, assigning eight officials to the group, which will be led by Interior Minister Sar Kheng.

“Gather information; study the requests and proposal and share ideas with government, ministries and relevant stakeholders to resolve it. Promote and raise civil society’s awareness and relevant stakeholders [awareness] about associations and NGOs law and regulations,” he wrote…

Civil society representatives said the decision to create the task force was likely made in response to international pressure.

Am Sam Ath, a senior investigator with Licadho, a local rights group, said the plan would only be effective if proposals from civil society were taken seriously and acted on.

“What’s important is their true willingness in the culture of blame. And we want more freedom for civil society to do their job.”…

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