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26 Jan 2014

Liam Cochrane, Australia Plus

PNG court orders Ok Tedi to halt dumping waste

Papua New Guinea's National Court has ordered the Ok Tedi mining company to stop dumping waste into a river, a move which would effectively shut the mine. Communities in the South Fly River area, 500 kilometres downstream from the mine, filed a writ claiming the dumping of waste and tailings into the nearby river system is illegal…"A lot of the wildlife and fish is gone and it's going to be a time bomb before, the people will die and float like fish,"[said local government president]…Justice Gibbs Salika has ordered $19 million of the money held in the accounts to be used for extensive research into the environmental and health impacts to the South Fly River and the Torres Strait…A spokeswoman for Ok Tedi said the company has no comment...

Part of the following timelines

Papua New Guinea: Court orders Ok Tedi Mining to stop dumping mine waste & tailings into rivers, affecting local communities’ livelihoods

BHP lawsuit (re Papua New Guinea)