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8 Июн 2021

Gayane Mkrtchyan, JAMnews

Armenia: Residents and activists protest mine development in Lori region over alleged threats to livelihood & environment

"Residents and eco-activists protest against mine development in north Armenia", 5 May 2021

Local residents, eco-activists, and eco-tourism investors are protesting against the building of mines on the territory of several villages and along the 38-kilometer road connecting the city of Vanadzor and the Tumanyan community.

...The Czech company Lusajur Ventures Invest planned to meet with residents of five villages – Margaovita, Vahagnadzor, Vahagni, Debeda, and Yeghegnut to obtain permission for geological exploration of new deposits of gold and copper, however, public discussions attended by eco-activists, villagers and the company representatives have failed.

...Those who have invested in the region are also worried about the situation. Many of the locals believe that the region should be developed through tourism, light, and food industries, rather than mining.