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21 Фев 2021

Jeff Elder, Business Insider

Myanmar: military propaganda blog pulled down by Google after outcry from online activists

"Google has pulled down a propaganda blog backing the military coup in Myanmar after outcry by online activists", 21 February 2021

Google has pulled down a propaganda blog supporting the military coup in Myanmar after the blog was discovered by an online activist this week. 

The blog was managed and hosted via the Google-owned Blogger platform under the URL seniorgeneralminaunghlaing.com, taking its name from the Myanmar military leader who has seized control of the country. 

Claiming there was mass voter fraud during the country's November elections, the military seized control of Myanmar on February 1. An independent election committee reviewed the claims and found them to be baseless. The US formally declared the military takeover as a coup on February 2. The Biden administration announced sanctions against the military on February 11. 

Hacker and activist Donk Enby discovered the coup's use of Blogger for propaganda and of Gmail accounts in managing companies on the US sanctions list released by Biden to discourage business with the military…

"We take action against accounts on our platforms in accordance with our product policies and applicable laws," a Google spokesperson told Insider. "In this case, we have terminated accounts as a result of President Biden's Executive Order of 11 February 2021 concerning Myanmar." Google also removed apps run by the coup from its Play Store app marketplace. 

After the blog was pulled down, Enby told Insider that "taking down Senior General Min Aung Hlaing's website and propaganda apps on the Play Store is a step in the right direction, but Google should speak out and tell us whether they also intend to cut them off from services like Gmail that he and his cronies rely on to do their day-to-day business." 

Google did not respond to questions about pulling other services used by the coup. 
