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5 Дек 2018

Carbon Market Watch

Call to end the Clean Development Mechanism in order to meet goals of the Paris Agreement

"...If we are to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, the CDM must not be allowed to undermine future efforts for the following three reasons:

  1. The CDM undermines domestic climate action

The CDM is, at best, a zero-sum game: one entity is able to emit while another will reduce its emissions by the same amount...

  1. The CDM has increased greenhouse gas emissions

...In the EU alone, emissions increased by about 580 million tonnes of CO2 as a result of the use of CDM credits in the EU Emissions Trading System. This is because an overwhelming majority of CDM projects essentially issue ‘junk’ credits that do not lead to real-world emission reductions...

  1. CDM projects have violated human rights

Several CDM projects have violated human rights, in particular indigenous peoples’ rights, and led to disastrous impacts, such as the exploitation of land resulting in the displacement of local communities, as was the case in the Barro Blanco hydrodam project..."

