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29 Янв 2016

Mark Paul, Irish Times (Ireland)

Ecocem runs into some artful opposition in California

Irish “green” cement company Ecocem is finding out just how hippyish those sun-soaked Californian folk can be following the emergence of some rather artful posters opposing a proposed development by the Irish company in Vallejo near San Francisco.  

Orcem, Ecocem’s US unit, wants to build a supposedly environmentally friendly €45 million cement plant – if there is such a thing – at a Vallejo Marine Terminal (VMT) site.

The proposed project has run into some stiff opposition from locals and environmentalists... [A] gem of a poster (pictured above) appeared all over Vallejo in recent weeks... Other anti-Orcem posters to have appeared recently include an apocalyptic Christmas scene involving a pair of factory smoke stacks...