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1 Авг 2020

IRIS Ethical Recruitment

IRIS publishes guide on how labour recruiters can enhance migrant worker protection during COVID-19 pandemic

"COVID-19: Guidance for labour recruiters to enhance migrant worker protection during the current health crisis"

During the current global health crisis, labour recruiters play an essential role in protecting migrant workers and ensuring essential services have the staff they need to provide elevated levels of care. Recruitment agencies are also on the frontlines of helping migrant workers get home and supporting those who have already returned to access social assistance, seek alternative livelihood opportunities and navigate the challenges related to reintegration in a time of mandatory quarantine and social distancing. This resource provides guidance to labour recruiters on how to maintain high standards of ethical recruitment despite the challenges posed by COVID-19...

This document offers preliminary guidance for labour recruiters to enhance their response to COVID-19 and, in particular, to offer advice to establish effective protections for migrant workers linked to their operations