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Mary Robinson Speaker Series

Our flagship annual event, founded in 2010, provides a platform for advocates working in business and human rights. Every year we convene a panel of experts from across the field, who are led in discussion by Mary Robinson, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and founding Chair of BHRRC's International Advisory Network.

An Introduction

Each year the Mary Robinson Speaker Series spotlights emerging issues in the field of business & human rights. It looks to move forward the debate, by bringing together people from business, investment, legislative and human rights communities, as well as voices speaking on behalf of those most impacted by egregious human rights abuse.

Business is never neutral: Corporate responsibilities in conflict & crisis

The 2024 Mary Robinson event will focus on the responsibilities of corporate actors in conflict – exploring how they can be involved in harm, but also have the opportunity to play a constructive role in these crises. Our panel of expert speakers will explore the role and impact of business in conflict, and the opportunity and need for leadership by business and investors in respect of better practice across all sectors in conflict. The event will include rightsholders from conflict frontlines, company and investor voices, and academic experts. The discussion will explore core corporate human rights responsibilities in conflict zones, focusing on preventing exploitation, adhering to international standards of heightened human rights due diligence, and guiding decision-making, including responsible exit strategies.

Previous events

Raising the bar: Regulating to end corporate abuse

The 2023 Mary Robinson event focused on the new wave of regulation aiming to end corporate impunity, while empowering communities and workers in global supply chains. The edition explored the importance of rigorous corporate accountability and human rights due diligence legislation and the need for business and investor leadership to promote human rights-centred operation and investment for a right-centred corporate activity.

Power Switch: Centring human rights in the clean energy transition in Africa (2022)

The 2022 Mary Robinson Speaker Series highlighted how a human rights-centred approach is essential to an equitable clean energy transition in Africa - a crucial discussion ahead of COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh.

Building a Just Recovery: Strategies for Change (2021)

Our panel explored the unique challenges at the intersection of labour rights and technology rights, focusing on gig economy workers and the frameworks required to ensure companies respect their human rights.

Building a Just Recovery: Workers' views on the post-pandemic economy (2020)

The first digital Mary Robinson Speaker Series welcomed labour voices from communities hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic, along with other global thinkers, who together discussed the path to a just recovery.