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Ken Stickney, Lafayette Daily Advertiser (USA)

5 years later, enhancements in rig safety

The BP Deepwater explosion of 2010 served as a catalyst for improving safety on Gulf of Mexico rigs, oil and gas industry experts say…What’s followed in the past five years has been clearer, safety-centric guidelines for drillers from the federal government, enhanced training for rig employees and empowerment for workers who are better able to recognize when things go wrong…“Everybody in the industry is much more aware of their role in preventing this type of catastrophe,” [Darryl Bourgoyne of Louisiana State Univ.] said…Toby Guidry…of Global Safety Management…said the past five years have improved safety throughout the oil and gas industry…[L]arge oil companies have reviewed safety requirements and shared information, information that has filtered down to smaller, oil services companies…[P]art of the new safety training has been to empower employees to point out their safety concerns. “Nowadays, if a first-day employee sees something wrong on a multimillion rig, he can shut it down,” Guidry said…
