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American Bar Association

Ecuador: Criminal charges against labour rights activist Jorge Acosta have serious irregularities, says American Bar Association

“Ecuador: Preliminary Report on Criminal Charges Filed Against Labor Organizer Jorge Acosta”, 23 March 2021

...Jorge Acosta, a workers’ rights advocate and the coordinator of the banana workers’ union ASTAC in Ecuador, has faced numerous criminal accusations related to his organizing efforts. These criminal proceedings against him have been characterized by a number of serious irregularities. The ABA Center for Human Rights (CHR) conducts trial observations around the world to encourage compliance with fair trial standards. It has monitored past proceedings against Mr. Acosta and continues to monitor ongoing proceedings against him. This preliminary report outlines the results of these observations to date. A final report will be issued when the current proceedings are complete...The charges against Mr. Acosta exist within a larger context of improper restrictions on labor organizing...The proceedings against Mr. Acosta have been characterized by repeated irregularities. The initial economic charges were arguably vague and overbroad, sweeping in protected speech. That investigation has been pending for over a year without the initiation of charges. The subsequent invasion of privacy charges were used to attempt to seek personal information about the defendant unrelated to the alleged misconduct. The charges were subsequently abandoned by the complainant. International observers were denied access to those hearings without justification. In light of these irregularities and the ongoing failure of the State of Ecuador to fulfill its obligations to not interfere in union formation, there are grounds for concern that these irregularities are the result of an improper motive for the criminal proceedings, namely a desire to intimidate the defendant and interfere with lawful organizing activities...