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Gender discrimination alleged against Wall Street firms [USA]

Two female executives at high-profile Wall Street banks have accused their respective employers of discrimination... Charlotte Hanna was a former vice president in the human resources division at Goldman Sachs when she took maternity leave after having her first child. She was demoted from her position as department head…Then, while on leave for her second child, Hanna was essentially fired…Another woman, Dorly Hazan-Amir, had been an associate with Citigroup’s asset finance division. When she became pregnant, she alleges, her coworkers and bosses treated her disrespectfully, telling her she had to choose between her career and family…Goldman Sachs has said that Hanna’s case is without merit, while Citigroup has not commented on the allegations brought by Hazan-Amir. [also refers to Morgan Stanley, Smith Barney (part of Citigroup)]