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William Boot, Irrawaddy (Myanmar)

Thai Govt. remains silent on UN experts’ request for clarification on alleged abuse of migrant workers by companies Vita Foods & Natural Fruit


“Thailand Silent on UN Appeal Over Firms’ Abuse of Burmese Claims”, 4 October 2014

The government of Thailand has failed to respond to the UN Human Rights Council about “persisting allegations” of the abuse of Burmese migrant workers employed in the Thai food-processing industry.” A report on allegations against two Thai firms, Vita Foods and Natural Fruit, was made six months ago by the UN Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises, as well as the special rapporteur on the human rights of migrants. It alleged that Burmese were duped by labor brokers, had documents such as passports confiscated, were physically abused, underpaid and charged exorbitant fees…A letter from the UN group had given the Thai government two months to explain what it is doing…It was made public...to draw attention to the issue after having received no response from Bangkok since April…