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Duncan Green, Oxfam GB

The Living Wage: A Remarkable Story of Global Progress – How Big Could It Get?

...Last month Oxfam published a report on 'Steps towards a Living Wage in Global Supply Chains', which provides an intriguing account of progress to date...In September 2014 following months of unrest eight brands wrote an open letter to the Cambodian government and industry association stating their readiness to factor higher wages into their pricing. In November the government raised the minimum wage by 28%...In 2011 only two of the top 100 UK companies were living wage employers; now there are 19, with 10 more in the pipeline and over 1000 accredited employers in total, including Oxfam GB...But before we go all Kumbaya about it, the report sensibly urges caution: 'Very little has changed for very few workers. To achieve a tipping point, a more systemic approach is needed.' As Jenny Holdcroft of the international union, IndustriALL says.
