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Sakshi Post (India)

Indian Govt. revokes directive mandating lower minimum salary for migrant workers to the Gulf, following civil society campaign

The Indian government's stance on lowering the minimum salary (minimum referral pay) for workers in Gulf countries has changed. It made it clear that the circular sent to Gulf countries in this respect was being revoked.

Members of the Gulf JAC have informed the Centre that Gulf migrant workers are being exploited as a result of a central government directive published in September and that they are being paid less for their service...

... "We welcome the decision of the Centre. We welcome the withdrawal of the circulars issued by the Center in the past. The State Department should put pressure on the Gulf countries to raise wages for migrant workers at any time." - Manda Bhimreddy, President of the Immigrants' Welfare Forum...

"The Centre has finally agreed to the demand to repeal the circulars issued last September by reducing the minimum referral wages (MRWs) by 30 to 50 per cent for workers going to the six Arab Gulf countries..." Emigrants Welfare Forum's Bheem Reddy Mandha claimed as much. The government's move will help roughly 88 lakh Indian workers and employees in Gulf countries.
