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BBC News

USA: Macy’s settles allegations of racial profiling of customers for $650,000; includes company statement

"Macy's settles racial profiling allegations from shoppers", 20 Aug 2014

Macy's is to pay $650,000 (£390,000) to settle claims it racially profiled and detained ethnic minority shoppers at its flagship Manhattan shop…Under a deal with New York's attorney-general Macy's agreed to a series of changes at its 42 stores across the state. Staff at Macy's, one of US retailing's big names, were said to have targeted shoppers because of their colour...As part of the settlement, the retailer will adopt new policies against profiling including training employees, give police access to its security cameras, investigate customer complaints, and keep better records of detentions. Macy's said that any occurrence of such behaviour would not be tolerated…[Also refers to Barneys]
