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هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة باللغة العربية وهي معروضة باللغة English

رد الشركة

26 يونيو 2017


Bayer's response

Bayer is committed to stringent standards and the responsible use of its crop protection products and continuously promotes the highest stewardship standards in agriculture across the country... We have written two letters to the authors of the report [...] and subsequently met with the authors in person on 23rd May 2016. Additionally, Bayer provided two response letters to FAO (13th January, 2016 and 24th March, 2017), both addressing Bayer's position and on-going efforts on product stewardship and training in India... Bayer's Crop Science division in India continues to adhere to national and international best practices in the area of crop protection product management... We are convinced that through a continued multi stakeholder dialogue involving the relevant authorities in India as well as the FAO, we can jointly derive a perspective on the way forward that recognizes the needs and reality of the farming community in the state of Punjab and India as a whole.

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