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2 ديسمبر 2019

Finnish Government

Finland proposes EU Agenda for Action on Business and Human Rights

إظهار جميع الإشارات

"Agenda for Action on Business and Human Rights"

...This outcome document is our proposal for an Agenda for Action on Business and Human Rights for the EU, it is issued on behalf... of the hosts of the Conference...

The European Commission, the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Council of the EU, should put in place a Joint Action Plan on Business and Human Rights in order to facilitate more strategic, comprehensive and effective EU action...

...There is a need for a review of the available evidence of the effectiveness of different voluntary and mandatory measures on responsible business conduct at the level of Member States and the EU... The fragmented landscape of (existing and envisaged) regulatory measures governing responsible management of supply chains and due diligence has led to the need for further EU-wide initiatives, including regulation on mandatory human rights due diligence.

...Member States and Commission/EEAS could consider piloting a system of peer reviews for assessing the effectiveness of implementation of Member States’ National Action Plans (NAPs) on the UNGPs...

...Access to remedy... underpins both the state duty to protect human rights and the corporate responsibility to respect human rights... [T]he Commission should identify proposals for addressing possible gaps in the EU legal framework. This should include identifying how access to remedy may be enhanced through broader regulation on human rights due diligence...