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هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة باللغة العربية وهي معروضة باللغة English


23 أغسطس 2007

Barbara Feder Ostrov, San Jose Mercury News [USA]

Former clerk gets $44,000 racial bias settlement with Los Gatos clinic - Supervisor used offensive code words [USA]

A Los Gatos [California] medical clinic [Arthritis and Orthopedic Medical Clinic] has agreed to pay $44,000 to a former clerk whose supervisor harassed her with offensive and racial code words, a U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission attorney said today. After investigating the complaints of 29-year-old Tomeika L. Broussard of Hayward, the EEOC found that her supervisor for several months in 2004 "constantly" subjected the African-American file clerk to racial code words... Last year, a jury awarded $61 million to two Oakland FedEx Ground drivers of Lebanese descent who claimed a manager continuously harassed them with racial slurs including "terrorists" and "camel jockeys."