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14 نوفمبر 2019

Marty Johnson, The Hill

Germany: 1,300 flights grounded after flight attendants strike over union's legal status

"Airline Lufthansa grounds 1,300 flights due to massive worker strike", 7 November 2019

German airline Lufthansa grounded 1,300 flights...due to thousands of its flight attendants going on strike.

UFO, the airline's union, said in a statement that the strike was inevitable because both the airline and the flight attendants failed to find common ground in labor negotiations...

...NPR reports..."Lufthansa and the union representing the flight attendants have been at odds for months over the union's legal status, and a last-minute effort by the airline to halt the strike failed after a court in Frankfurt confirmed the walkout was legal,"...

...Germany's largest airline released a statement...criticizing the strike...

..."...Lufthansa condemns the strike call in the strongest possible terms. Affected passengers were transferred to other flights free of charge."...