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28 مايو 2019

Caroline Ditlev-Simonsen on lcbackerblog.blogspot.com

Norwegian Ethics Information Committee seeks input on improving respect for human rights through supply chain transparency

"Norwegian Ethics Information Committee Seeks Input on Methods to Improve Respect For Human Rights Through Supply Chain Transparency Mechanisms", 20 May 2019

Can a law requiring openness about supply chains improve human rights performance? If so, what should such a law contain? The Norwegian Ethics Information Committee would like to receive input from international experts about how to improve respect for human rights through mechanisms that promote transparency in supply chains. Please submit your thoughts to [email protected] by May 31th.

The study promises to be interesting.  And more importantly, it suggests that the Norwegian state is interested in figuring out a perhaps novel approach to projecting its political power (and its values) through its apex enterprises and down their global production chains. To the extent that such an effort might align with Norwegian efforts undertaken through its SWF, the Pension Find Global, the effort might be quite influential...

More information from the Norwegian Ethics Information Committee (including its mandate) follows.

The Norwegian government has appointed an expert committee to investigate a law on ethics information.

The Committee shall examine whether it is possible and advisable to require businesses to disclose information to consumers and organisations about production sites used in manufacturing, responsible business conduct and supply chain management.