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8 إبريل 2020

Amnesty International

Philippines: President Duterte's "shoot to kill" order to shoot 'troublemakers' is unjustifiable as millions are prevented from earning a living

"Facebook Twitter Philippines: President Duterte gives "shoot to kill" order amid pandemic response"

Responding to orders from President Duterte to police, military officials and barangay officials to shoot ‘troublemakers’ protesting during community quarantine, Amnesty Philippine Section Director, Butch Olano, said: “It is deeply alarming that President Duterte has extended a ‘shoot to kill’ policy to law enforcement agencies. Deadly, unchecked force should never be used in an emergency such as the COVID-19 pandemic...The violent police response to calls for help is heartless and unjustifiable, especially while millions of Filipinos are prevented from earning a living... On 1 April 2020...Duterte admonished those who may cause ‘trouble’ during the imposition of the community quarantine amid the COVID 19 pandemic. Referring to the political left, but also seemingly others who may protest or question government measures, he openly gave orders to the police [to shoot]... [O]ver 17,000 people have already been arrested for violations related to lockdown and curfew orders declared... Given the elevated risks of transmission of COVID-19 in places of detention, using prison sentences to enforce quarantine... is counterproductive and... disproportionate...  [R]esidents of...Quezon City gathered...upon receiving news that relief items were to be distributed there... [W]hen the distribution didn’t happen, the residents decided to... protest...21 protesters were brought and detained...