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هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة باللغة العربية وهي معروضة باللغة English


8 يوليو 2019

Julius Businge, The Independent (Uganda)

Uganda: Residents from oil-rich region raise concerns on displacement without adequate compensation; includes CNOOC's comments

"CNOOC faces Hoima residents"

...At one of the events organised by the Petroleum Authority of Uganda and National Environment Management Authority, a big crowd of 8, 000 people attended to raise their concerns. It was the Kingfisher Development Project (KDP) Public Hearing held at Kabaale Public Primary School in Buseruka, Hoima district on June 21.  It was held for the locals to give comments on the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment report that was done by China National Offshore Oil Corporation, one of the companies licensed to extract oil out of the Albertine Graben. The participants, hailing from Hoima and the neighboring districts raised concerns regarding land acquisition, employment and skills development, education and business related opportunities...

Moses Ronald Oteng, the land acquisition supervisor at CNOOC said land acquisition grievances and compensation matters are handled in a transparent manner. “…a good number of vulnerable people have been compensated regardless of the vulnerability status,” Oteng said adding, “That some had passed on but there were procedures in place for their families to receive their compensation.”...“CNOOC is committed to ensuring efficient development of the Kingfisher Development Project” Aminah Bukenya, the senior public relations and supervisor at CNOOC said. CNOOC alongside other oil companies are working with a plan to extract approx. 6.5billion barrels of oil resource discovered in 2006 in the entire Albertine Graben.