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28 Sep 2022


11th UN Forum on Business and Human Rights - Concept note

[T]he 11th Forum will provide a key global platform for stakeholder dialogue on how to enhance accountability and remedy mechanisms for business-related human rights abuses, accelerate the pace of implementation by States and businesses, and incentivize the participation of other actors, in alignment with the recommendations from the UNGPs 10+ roadmap. It will also catalyse much needed conversation around reparations, putting people and the planet at the heart of solutions.

The 11th Forum provides a timely opportunity to look at implementing the Guiding Principles in the second decade of business and human rights. The focus will be on taking stock of efforts at securing accountability and access to remedy, to focus on how the implementation of the UNGPs can be accelerated from a rights holder perspective...

In addition to the plenary sessions and regional dialogues on the key trends, challenges, and opportunities for the implementation of the UNGPs, Forum discussions will consider what effective avenues exist to ensure accountability through a rights holder-centred approach. This includes ensuring that a “smart mix” of legal and policy measures to promote responsible business, including effective mandatory human rights due diligence, are designed to deliver justice when harm occurs; understanding the need to integrate human rights considerations in all policy areas that shape economic activity; and developing better and more systematic tracking of State and business performance to evaluate efforts to improving access to remedy for rights-holders affected by business-related harm. The discussions will also consider ways in which a legally binding instrument can potentially help to secure accountability and remedy for victims of business-related human rights abuses.

Access to effective remedy, remediation and reparations will, moreover, be discussed as a means to address the root causes of marginalization and discrimination, as well as the growing threats faced by groups and individuals at heightened risk of corporate abuse, such as human rights defenders speaking up against business-related harm to people and the planet, indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, and persons with different sexual orientation or gender identity.