Asian Americans Accuse BP of Discrimination [USA]
Half of the commercial fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico are Vietnamese and Cambodian Americans, but BP discriminated against them during the oil spill cleanup by hiring only 7 percent of boats in its Vessels of Opportunity program from them, 55 fishermen claim…[F]or some of [the]…contractors hired, BP ... breached their contractual obligations to pay these individuals their respective daily fixed rate. ..In addition, BP sprayed more than 1.8 million gallons of hazardous chemical dispersants...Many vessel operators and crewmen were directly within the spray zone of the chemical dispersants without prior warning… They claim that “BP sent out email messages…specifically demanding…not [to] hire vessels owned by Vietnamese and Cambodian Americans."… [also refers to Danos & Curloe Marine Contractors, DRC Emergency Services, Halliburton, Nalco, Transocean]