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21 Nov 2022

BRICS Feminist Watch and Recourse

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Energy & Climate – the missing gender dimension

"AIIB, Energy & Climate – the missing gender dimension" November 2022

New research by BRICS Feminist Watch and Recourse shows that almost half of all of AIIB’s approved energy sector projects since 2016 lacks any mention of gender commitments in its project documentation. This pattern is repeated in the list of energy projects AIIB is proposing over coming years, the project ‘pipeline’.

The roots of this gender-blindness may lie in the fact that, in contrast to other MDBs, AIIB has to date not developed a gender policy, strategy or action plan. It is high time that AIIB takes the next step to make this happen, to enable accountability for its action (or inaction) on meeting important SDGs, such as SDG5 and SDG 7. In the meanwhile, it is fundamental that all AIIB’s policies and strategies fill this considerable gap. The Energy Sector Strategy is currently under review with a new version up for approval very soon. The initial draft was not encouraging, committing to “taking gender into account”, but without including any targets, indicators or other measures to allow monitoring and accountability. Learning from the concerning results of our analysis, it is essential that the final version is improved to put gender front and centre. [...]