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18 Nov 2022

Global Witness

Brazil: New climate plan by ADM, Bunge, Cargill, BBF, Agropalma and other large agribusiness fail to eliminate their role in human rights abuses, says GW

"Dead end: ambitious deforestation targets and human rights not included in agribusiness climate roadmap", 18 November 2022

...Fourteen of the world’s largest agribusinesses have released a new climate plan which falls far short of eliminating their role in human rights abuses and deforestation. 

The 'Agricultural Sector Roadmap to 1.5C' seeks to reduce emissions by eliminating deforestation across these companies’ palm oil, soy, and cattle supply chains, yet the plan:

  1. Fails to mention human rights or Indigenous Peoples even once, despite their well-documented role in preserving climate critical forests and the deep association between deforestation and human rights abuses;
  2. Fails to set ambitious deforestation targets; and
  3. Cherry-picks a patchwork of covered ecosystems.


Indigenous communities and other land and environmental defenders are on the frontlines of land grabs and human rights abuses perpetrated by big agribusinesses...

We also identified human rights violations in ADM and Bunge’s soy supply chains in Brazil...When Global Witness reported this case to ADM and Bunge, both accepted their suppliers’ arguments without assessing the underlying validity of the community’s land rights claim. ADM opened a case on their grievance log, but never consulted representatives of the affected communities. It is not clear what action, if any, Bunge has taken, as it has not yet found time to speak to Global Witness in the year since the report was published. Worse, Bunge does not have a public grievance log for its soy business where communities can lodge complaints...

...Global Witness published the investigation Amazon Palm, which details a long-standing violent conflict between two Brazilian palm oil giants – Brasil Biofuels (BBF) and Agropalma – and Indigenous, traditional and campesino communities in the Amazon state of Pará. Our investigation exposed serious alleged human rights abuses linked to the palm oil companies...

Despite these serious controversies, BBF were named as suppliers on ADM and Bunge’s publicly available mill lists for 2020 [1], while Agropalma features in their most recent lists. According to Cargill’s published list of suppliers, it purchased palm oil from both companies. When contacted by Global Witness about the cases, ADM failed to respond. Bunge replied stating all its business operations with suppliers were “legal and in compliance with Brazilian legislation and company procedures”. Cargill, also a signatory to the roadmap, said it was aware of the conflict and had included it in its grievance log but claimed dropping the supplier would not resolve the problems involved...