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25 Nov 2021


Brazil: Over 300 illegal miners' dredging rafts invade Madeira River after rumors about gold being found in the region

"Gold rush draws hundreds of dredging rafts to Amazon tributary", 25 November 2021

...Hundreds of dredging rafts operated by illegal miners have gathered in a gold rush on the Madeira River, a major tributary of the Amazon, floating hundreds of miles as state and federal authorities dispute who is responsible for stopping them.

The flotilla of rafts equipped with pumps are moored together in lines that nearly stretch across the vast Madeira, and a Reuters witness spotted plumes of exhaust indicating they are vacuuming the riverbed for gold.

"We counted no less than 300 rafts. They've been there at least two weeks and the government has done nothing," said Greenpeace Brazil activist Danicley Aguiar.

The gold rush, triggered by rumors that someone had found gold there, began as world leaders gathered for a United Nations climate conference in Glasgow, where Brazil vowed it had stepped up protection of the Amazon rainforest...

The dredging rafts have floated downriver from the Humaita area, where there has been a surge in illegal gold mining, and were last seen some 400 miles (650 km) away in Autazes, a municipal district southeast of Manaus...

"It's a free-for-all. None of the authorities are doing anything to stop illegal mining, which has become a epidemic in the Amazon," Aguiar of Greenpeace Brazil said...
