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12 Jan 2021

Sar Socheath, Khmer Times

Cambodia: Thousands of migrant workers struggle to find jobs after returning from Thailand due to COVID-19 pandemic

"Returning migrant workers desperate for jobs", 12 January 2021

Many Cambodian migrant workers who returned from Thailand following the COVID-19 outbreak are in a dilemma with no jobs and no money.

Son Seiha, 32, said he has been jobless ... and has been trying very hard to get a job locally but all his efforts have been futile,

“Having to lose a job was a bad experience and not getting another is even more traumatic. I thought when I returned to my homeland, I could get a job but it turned out to be so difficult,” he added.

Seiha said he has been looking for jobs at factories, private security companies and even tried at local restaurants but there has been none...

“I started looking for jobs and till today I cannot find one,” he bemoaned.

Sath Chamnan, 26, who returned from South Korea ... is also in the same plight and said all his dreams of earning and helping his family were shattered with the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I want to go back to the electronic factory in South Korea where I worked for more than two years but I was told that I need to wait because of the pandemic,” he added...

Just like Seiha and Chamnan, there are thousands of migrants workers who returned from Thailand struggling to make ends meet with no jobs and no money.

Or Vandine, spokeswoman of the Health Ministry, said 12,088 Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand had returned ...

... the Labour Ministry’s National Employment Agency identified 20,000 primary employment opportunities in various industries and sectors for Cambodian migrant workers...
