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5 Mär 2020

Clean Clothes Campaign

Campaigners to demonstrate against Uniqlo’s failure to pay owed wages to former garment workers in closed Jaba Garmindo factory

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“Campaigners call on Uniqlo to resolve wage theft cases for International Women’s Day”, 4 March 2020

Campaigners from the Clean Clothes Campaign and Labour Behind the Label will be marking International Women’s Day 2020 by holding a demonstration on Saturday 7 March outside Uniqlo’s flagship London store in solidary with 2,000 garment workers from the former Jaba Garmindo factory in Indonesia.

The majority of the Jaba Garmindo workers are women, and many are in desperate situation having been unable to find new work, either considered too old for new employment…or…blacklisted for their continuing campaigning efforts. Workers are now homeless, unable to afford nutritious foods, essential medicines or to continue to send their children to school…

Uniqlo owned by parent company Fast Retailing…[recently] signed a partnership with UN Women, the first formal alliance between a clothing company based in Asia and UN Women,…yet their lack of action to ensure remedy in this case is [contradictory]. “The workers…have waited long enough for the money they are entitled to…You can’t empower women workers if you don’t pay them…,” [Meg Lewis, Labour Behind the Label].

Part of the following timelines

Indonesia: Former Jaba Garmindo garment workers continue to demand unpaid severance after 2015 factory closure; incl. company responses

Civil society groups mark Intl. Women's Day 2020 by calling for greater protections for women workers