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31 Mär 2021

Janyce McGregor, CBC News (Canada)

Canada: Workers at baby formula plant claim harassment by managers

"Workers at baby formula plant claim harassment by managers", 31 March 2021

Employees at the Canada Royal Milk plant in Kingston, Ont., say management treated them like "minions" by denying them safety gear that fit, harassing employees by accusing them of being "overpaid" and less industrious than workers in China and — in one instance — making physical contact with a worker during a heated dispute.

Efforts to organize and certify a union with the United Food and Commercial Workers have been tied up in hearings for the past year, while employee turnover at the plant in its early months of operations was constant. [...]

These workers said they are afraid someone will get killed at the plant. They've described malfunctioning plant equipment and a workplace culture they claim doesn't take industry standards and safety precautions seriously. They've also reported concerns about the way employees are treated by management.

The plant, a subsidiary of China Feihe International, is managed by a team of executives from both China and Canada. Its workforce is diverse. [...]