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20 Jul 2021

Fundação Renova

Comments by Renova Foundation related to Rajiv Maher's article on PCSR

…[W]e take the opportunity to provide explanation and information about advances and challenges regarding this process, as follows...The Transaction Agreement and Adjustment of Conduct (TTAC) provides for the implementation of 42 socio-economic and socio-environmental programs with the purpose of rebuilding, restoring, and repairing the damage caused by the collapse of the Fundão dam, in Mariana (MG state)...Renova Foundation follows the legal obligations, as well as the transparency, dialogue and social participation guidelines, as it understands this is the only way to build lasting solutions to meet the needs of the affected population and allow for the development and recovery of impacted regions...In this matter, the institution works to carry out a series of actions and measures necessary to repair the affected communities and municipalities, through its programs which are based on two main fronts: remediation and compensation...Over the years, this operating model has been improved in order to provide more open and participatory governance through structured channels...About 500 families actively participate in the process and the collective resettlement project is similar to the construction of entire cities, with houses, public facilities, paved and lighted streets...Renova Foundation is paying compensation for cases where damage is difficult to prove...Encouraging tourism and supporting cultural and quality of life actions are part of the Renova Foundation's work in repairing the Doce River basin...Finally, the Foundation is available to provide further explanation...
