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21 Apr 2005

Shapi Shacinda, Reuters

Death toll in blast at Zambia mine climbs to 51

[A] blast at a Zambian mine...killed at least 51 people..."...We do not believe that anyone inside the blast area survived,' said Wang Aide, managing director of the Chinese-owned BGRIMM Explosives Plant, on the premises of Chambishi copper mine...BGRIMM Explosives, a division of Beijing General Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, is a major supplier of explosives for Chambishi, owned by China's NFC Mining Africa Plc, and other copper mines in Zambia...NFC Africa is 85 percent owned by China Non-Ferrous Metals Industries Foreign Engineering and Construction Group (CNFC China). Zambia's ZCCM Holdings Plc holds the remaining 15 percent stake.