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2 Mai 2022

Alexander Cornwell, Reuters

Deliveroo backs off plan to cut pay of UAE delivery riders after strike

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Two Deliveroo riders separately told Reuters the company had sought to cut earnings by about 15% to 8.75 dirhams ($2.38) per delivery and extend shifts by three hours to 12.

Both riders, who said they were employed via agencies, said they had to pay for fuel, housing and employment visas out of their own wages.

It is illegal in the UAE for an employee to pay visa costs.

One rider, a Pakistani, said he worked nine hours a day, seven days a week to earn a monthly take-home salary of 390 dirhams ($106).

The driver said while the pay cut had been scrapped, his current roster continued to show 12-hour daily shifts.

A second Deliveroo representative later said shifts would not be changed and that agencies who employ the riders were obliged to cover visa costs.

The [Deliveroo] representative added that action would be taken against any agency in breach of contractual obligations but did not provide specifics.
