Dow Chemical Investors Message to Management: PR Campaign Cannot Gloss Over Suffering of 100,000 People in Bhopal with No Acknowledgment of Corporate Responsibility
In the face of a new public relations campaign by Dow Chemical claiming the company is addressing global public health and water problems, Dow shareholders representing more than $278 million announced today that they have filed a resolution with the company requesting that it address outstanding issues resulting from the Union Carbide (UC) chemical facility explosion in Bhopal, India, on December 3, 1984...the resolution requests that Dow provide its shareholders with a description of any new steps taken by management to address social and environmental concerns of survivors of the UC disaster...[T]he hypocrisy of the company's new 'Human Element' ad campaign represents a new low," said Amy O'Meara of the Business and Human Rights Program of Amnesty International USA.