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2 Sep 2020


FIFA welcomes ground-breaking legal changes that strengthen the protection of workers’ rights in Qatar

“We sincerely congratulate the State of Qatar on this significant step. Since the FIFA World Cup 2022 was awarded to Qatar, there has been a major collective effort from the local authorities, our partner the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy and the ILO to bring about positive change, and we are really pleased to see that this has materialised into concrete major progress in the area of workers’ rights,” said FIFA President Gianni Infantino. “Well before kick-off, this important milestone demonstrates the capacity of the FIFA World Cup to foster positive change and build a lasting legacy. There is definitely still room for further progress, and we will continue to work closely with the authorities and all stakeholders to promote a progressive agenda that should be of long-term benefit to all workers in Qatar, whether involved in the preparation of the event or not.”
